Corewell Health Proton Therapy Center

Kasco was selected to provide precise logistical planning, timing scheduling, and accurate budgeting, measuring success in millimeters to support specialized equipment for the future of cancer treatment at Corewell Health.

University of Michigan OR 11

Kasco was honored to provide services for the construction of a highly complex, high-tech CT scanning facility for sensitive applications at UM Mott Children’s Hospital

Corewell Health Max and Debra Ernst Heart Center

Kasco continued its long history with this hospital campus to renovate and expand a state-of-the-art cardiac and vascular care suite requiring critical attention to logistics, planning and scheduling

Corewell Health Cyberknife Renovations

Corewell Health Cyberknife

Kasco managed the construction project providing precision renovations within an existing Oncology Radiology facility for Cyberknife installation at the Corewell Health, Dearborn hospital

EMU IHA Medical Office Buildings

Located on the campus of Eastern Michigan University, Kasco was selected to erect two individual structures to accommodate a new EMU Student Wellness Center in addition to a new IHA Urgent Care facility.